From the Book - First edition.
Mahan's worst-case scenario
Sinking the HMS Prince of Wales and Repulse: December 10, 1941
Principal ports and naval bases of Japan
Wake Atoll: December 11, 1941
U.S-Australian lifeline, 1942
Halsey's raid in the Marshalls: February 1, 1942
Japanese advance in the East Indies: January-February 1942
The Doolittle raid: April 18, 1942
Operation MO: Japanese plan to take Port Moresby
Battle of the Coral Sea, May 1-4, 1942
Battle of the Coral Sea, May 7-8, 1942
Japanese naval forces advance on Midway and Aleutians, May 24-June 3, 1942
Enterprise and Yorktown dive-bombers ambush Kido Butai: June 4, 1942
Carrier task forces: track charts, June 4, 1942.