Katie's Story. Anti-bullying starts in the first grade ; The littlest Jedi ; Our local community response.
Kids at High Risk for Peer Victimization. From geek girls to sluts: what does it mean to be a girl? ; Princess boys and nonconforming guys ; Quirky kids and kids with hidden disabilities ; Kids with difference appearances or physical disabilities ; Gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual students ; Victims of cyberbullying, sexting, and sexual harassment ; The harmful effects of bullying on the brain.
Where Do We go From Here? : Prevention, Intervention, and Reconciliation. Create a home environment that produces neither bullies nor victims ; Set out family guidelines for responsible uses of technology, media, and music ; Changing our cultural attitudes toward aggression and cruelty ; Calling on toy retailers to eliminate gender-based marketing ; Stop marketing makeup and sexy clothes to children ; Reassess the role of schools in character education ; Social and emotional learning ; Responding to the bully ; Responding to the victim ; Restorative justice ; Strategies that ease the negative effects of taunting ; Creating witnesses and allies out of bystanders ; Cybersupporting instead of cyberbullying: a real-life happy ending
Overview of several promising research-based bullying-prevention and character-education programs
Two examples of bullying surveys
Examples of sexual harassment surveys.